Chris and Kelly Byrd - Our Journey

Here is what happened.

Kelly's Story

My name is Kelly Byrd, and I am a 45 years old, married and mother to four wonderful children from 9 to 21.  This is my story.

Growing up chubby is never fun, but for a little girl it can be heartbreaking.  I still remember my mother trying to jam me down into a pair of tights for my recital, and being called Jelly Belly Kelly.  This was a very hurtful time for me, and one I don’t remember much of as a result.

When I reached high school and college, I was determined to lose weight, and through serious exercise and eating very little, I was able to get my weight down to 125.  I fell in love with Chris while in college, not just for his cooking, although it was a big factor in the decision.  When we were married, I was a beautiful slender bride walking down the aisle (at least that is what Chris says).

We decided to have children after about a year of marriage, so I became a stay at home mom.  Being active with them kept me fit and trim for many years into the marriage, while Chris’s weight fluctuated up and down.  We ate out a lot, but I was so active it did not seem to matter at the time.  Yes, I put on a few pounds, but nothing serious.

This all changed after our fourth child was born.  I had some undiagnosed, lingering effects of a car accident which began to manifest themselves as serious back and neck pain.  I had a series of muscle and joint aches, as well as tremendous headaches, often for months at a time.  During this time of constant pain, food was my constant comfort.  Some days I would hardly get off the couch except to eat.  I tried to behave as normally as possible around the children so they wouldn’t be discouraged.  I also did not want everyone around me to know and feel sorry for me, so I kept the pain hidden.  This drove me even more toward food.

My weight continued to climb, and my clothes no longer fit.  Before I knew it, I was over 200 pounds, eventually topping out tied with Chris at 225.  I was uncomfortable and unhappy with my weight. 

Surgery was eventually diagnosed for the neck pain and my damaged disk was replaced.  My headaches were gone!  However, much of the joint pain and lower back pain remained until this year, when my bad gall bladder was finally diagnosed and removed.  I feel so much better, and look forward to a few months down the road when my body is used to its new chemistry.

Last fall, I ran into a friend of mine, who had experienced a very successful weight loss program, and was doing a great job with her new lifestyle.  She was close to 100 pounds lighter.  As a health coach, she introduced me to Take Shape for Life, a lifestyle program that focuses on weight loss as well as how to live a healthier life when goal weight is reached.  Using the Medifast meals, along with healthy cooking, I have already lost over 40 pounds.  I am so pleased with the program that I have become a coach.

This blog is full of things I have learned and am learning along the way.

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