Chris and Kelly Byrd - Our Journey

Here is what happened.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our Teenager's journey

Our older son is quite handsome.  He has also enjoyed a lifestyle full of friends and activity.  However, over the last year with his job and schooling, he became a bit more sedentary, and it had an effect on his weight.  He still looked good, but as he watched us lose weight and enjoy the outcomes, he became intrigued enough to try some of the meal replacements.  While they are not gourmet, they are still pretty good, and he found it desirable enough to try it.

Unlike us, he told several friends, who have done a great job of holding him accountable and noticing the changes.  I like that he was not embarrassed by the lifestyle change.  I think we modeled that for him and that is an important part of this for teens.  I do not think this lifestyle change to smaller better meals more often would have happened if we were not doing it ourselves.  It is too significant a change for them to be on their own.  Other teens we have talked to just did not like the food, or are still concerned about the perceptions of being on a diet.

He is seeing the results and has been committed to eating the meal replacements.  I looked at what we were spending on drinks and snacks, and we may actually be saving some money.  He is close to his goal and is looking great.  Not looking forward to replacing his clothes, but it is worth it to see him enjoying his health!

I am not willing to go out on a limb and say this would be a solution to some of the unhealthy eating behaviors of our teens, but learning to trust your food to support healthy living is a great sign of maturity that we as parents need to pass along and model.

The salt scare - why I think salt discourages dieters!

So, I have this bad habit of stepping on the scale every day when I am dieting.  You know, just wanting that one more pound!  Well, the other day, I had eaten several meals that were very salty, and at the same time, I saw my weight go up, rather than staying on the journey downward.  Now, I am not saying it was all the salt, because there were a bunch of calories as well.  However, I had consumed alot of coffee, tea and water during the same period.

Because of the six meal per day approach, I have confidence in the calorie burning going on in my body.  My chemistry trusts me to eat again so I am not stressed about being able to lose the weight.  In the past, through, I would not have felt the same way.  My thoughts would have been -all this work, and I have just gained three pounds - what is the point!?!?!

The ability of salt to cause fluid retention is well known, but its psychological impact is less thought about.  This quick turnaround in weight loss can kill the most effective weight loss plan.  Ever happen to you?

I think the solution is confidence in your plan.  That is why an accountability source is so important.  Most of the solid weight loss programs have some way to talk to another person.  Ours has a coach provided by the company to participants.  This was what took Kelly over the edge to sustained weight loss.  She had someone checking in on her.  Don't let a little turnaround in your weight stop you from reaching your greater goals - it feels to good to succeed!

Why the meal replacements and not just the eating plan?

I have thought about this question alot as I completed the certification as a health coach.  There are three basic thoughts about this weight management plan.  First is to build the discipline to eat six small meals per day - eat when you are hungry, but don't overdo it.  Secondly, is the need to make sure that when eating only 100 calories per meal for weight loss, that we still have complete nutrition, and there are ideal ratios of carbs, protein and fats that keep our digestion regulated, and allow for fat burning.  We need to be eating around 1000 calories or so, to encourage weight loss.

Thirdly is the need to learn how to prepare meals that are balanced and portion controlled for the rest of our lives, creating a lifestyle that encourages weight management.  We will need to manage around 2000-2500 calories on average for maintenance.  We also need to know how to manage salt, fat and sugar.

Surrounding all that is a fitness behavior that keeps our bodies maintained and trim, rebuilding muscle and other infrastructure health.

While it is possible to start off a diet plan focusing on the food, the reason we like this approach is that it allows for focus on the lifestyle change first.  Moving to a five meal replacement, one lean and green is challenging enough without having to prepare each 100 calorie meal and match the nutritional ratios right each time.  The prepared foods allows for the focus on eating every 2-3 hours, developing that routine and becoming confident in the results.  The coach can focus on the discipline of mealtime.  This is why calorie or point counting never worked for us - we had to incorporate too many decisions and disciplines at one time.  I like the stepwise approach better.

There is a time of transition where the focus moves to exercise as a component, and when we will move to a lifestyle of small meals, but with coaching begin to understand how to cook and eat well without the replacements.  Then we might still buy some of the replacements for the times when we are in a hurry, but move to a lifestyle of healthy choices.

So - the bottom line is this .  There is no charge for advice!  I would be happy to give you advice on moving to a six meal per day program to promote weight loss with no expectation of a meal plan purchase.  I would be happy to help you buy the meal replacements at a discount so you can try them and see the discipline perspective.  But, to me, the main thing is to find a way to feel healthy, if you don't right now!

The ice cream curse - dieter beware

I have had two terrible weeks of managing my eating plan, and two of the instances were related to ice cream.  The long love affair I have had with Cookout milkshakes goes back to my daughter attending App State, home of the best Cookout milkshakes, as well as Lenoir which had a Cookout on the way to and from Boone!  So, this week I had two milkshakes from there.  They are so stinking good, that you almost get sad nearing the bottom.

Secondly I went to Brusters.  Now I have been pretty good there, getting the no fat or sugar added caramel ice cream there.  However, on this week, as Mr. Gordon would say, they were having a sale on waffle cones, which means my normal 100 calorie treat was up around 300.  worse still, I am confident that whatever they put in there as a substitute for fat has a limit to how much you can eat before it attacks your digestive system - creating the most amazing emissions known to mankind.  GO easy on this stuff!

The cool thing about this tragedy is that because I am staying true to the six small meal per day, my system has been able to handle the calories and keep me stable during this time of stress eating.  The plan works.

Friday, July 13, 2012

My new blood chemistries

In addition to sleep apnea, my weight had caused me to have issues with high cholesterol, as well as poor HDL/LDL readings.  Now that I am at 183, I have had my numbers recalculated.  I believe that better eating habits, and the reduced stress and increased self esteem of the weight loss have all contributed, and now that I am adding back in the exercise, I have expectations of more improvements.

My cholesterol has dropped from 225 to 137
My LDL has dropped to 84, below the 99 goal and less than the 125 before.
My HDL has climbed to 40, above the 39 goal, and the first time it has ever been in goal.
My ratio is now 2.1, in the 3.6 and below range.

My triglycerides are at 65, below the 149 top of range.

Should you really care about my numbers?  Probably not, unless you just like me and want me to grow old.  My family is extremely happy, though.


Kelly and I are now Certified Coaches

What does this mean for you?  Just that we have spent more time studying and understanding the entire program that Dr. A has laid out.  If you need some advice on changing your approach to health, whether it includes meal replacements, or just a better understanding of the way to eat for better health, don't hesitate to ask us.  Also, we are now able to come and present to your company ideas on better health, whether diet, exercise, lifestyle choices or a combination of all three.  Let us know and we can schedule a time to meet with your company leadership about this opportunity.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

When I crash and burn, I really go all out!

This new lifestyle of small meals every 3-4 hours is still taking some getting used to.  I am supposed to consume about 100 calories every meal except one.  So, when we went to ALDI's which is a bad thing for me to do (too much stuff, too cheap).  There in the frozen food section was a Berry pie - blackberry and raspberry.  Man, did it look good, so we cheated and bought it - then we also cooked it.  So, one piece would not be too bad.  But I had two.  Then I made the mistake this morning of looking at the box - 330 calories per slice.  Good grief.  However, it was not all bad, because it was still on pattern - six meals per day, and the total calorie intake for the day would not cause a weight gain.  Whew!

Is it silly to be so dramatic about weight management?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Experiencing a little of what is to come eating wise

So I am getting better at the six meal per day methodology.  Right now it it mainly the replacement meals, but I am expecting more of a reliable process with real foods after I transition out of this program.  The reason I am feeling good about this is that I have been cheating regularly.  Last night I had a blueberry muffin from the Cheesecake factory about three hours after my meal, and then another meal around 9:30 that night.  What is different is that in the past I would have eaten dessert right with the meal, creating a barrage of calories right then, and then wait five hours and take a hit of cookies or something right before bed.  Binging and crashing were the norm.  Now I can wait on the dessert until three hours after dinner, helping my body continue to trust that I am going to eat again.  This keeps me in fat burning mode, and even though I am not losing that day, I am still experiencing a consistent process.

I remember when I would eat a sugary cereal, and even though it was not a lot of calories, the sugar/carb combo caused a crash around 10, and I would eat another breakfast then.  Now I get a more balanced breakfast, and when I eat at 10, it is a light meal of only 100 calories or so.  Basically I eat all the time, but am watching the content better.

When I reach my goal weight, I can then spread 11 times my weight across the six meals or so each day.

102 over 74 - are you kidding?

So I have never had real huge issues with blood pressure, but over the past year I had seen it creep up a little, particularly the bottom number.  However, I went to the doctor for a follow up visit, and the nurse measured my BP at 102 over 70, the lowest I have ever seen it, and my heart rate was 68.  Very much good news for me to see.  I am constantly amazed at the benefits of this weight loss, and I feel certain that I will be able to maintain it.