Chris and Kelly Byrd - Our Journey

Here is what happened.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The salt scare - why I think salt discourages dieters!

So, I have this bad habit of stepping on the scale every day when I am dieting.  You know, just wanting that one more pound!  Well, the other day, I had eaten several meals that were very salty, and at the same time, I saw my weight go up, rather than staying on the journey downward.  Now, I am not saying it was all the salt, because there were a bunch of calories as well.  However, I had consumed alot of coffee, tea and water during the same period.

Because of the six meal per day approach, I have confidence in the calorie burning going on in my body.  My chemistry trusts me to eat again so I am not stressed about being able to lose the weight.  In the past, through, I would not have felt the same way.  My thoughts would have been -all this work, and I have just gained three pounds - what is the point!?!?!

The ability of salt to cause fluid retention is well known, but its psychological impact is less thought about.  This quick turnaround in weight loss can kill the most effective weight loss plan.  Ever happen to you?

I think the solution is confidence in your plan.  That is why an accountability source is so important.  Most of the solid weight loss programs have some way to talk to another person.  Ours has a coach provided by the company to participants.  This was what took Kelly over the edge to sustained weight loss.  She had someone checking in on her.  Don't let a little turnaround in your weight stop you from reaching your greater goals - it feels to good to succeed!

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